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Exploring the Role of the Amygdala in Trauma

Updated: Aug 8

Trauma sneaks into our lives quietly but changes everything, shaping how we see and feel the world around us. Its transformations are not visible to the naked eye, yet they profoundly alter the fabric of perception, emotion, and identity. Imagine a part of your brain called the amygdala as a kind of lookout tower, always watching for danger to keep you safe.

When Our Inner Lookout (Amygdala) Gets Too Intense

While staying safe is a good thing, trauma can push the amygdala into overdrive. Imagine it's like having an overly worried guardian who sees danger everywhere, even in places where there isn't any. This guardian doesn't ever really relax, always staying on edge, which makes you feel constantly on alert, as if danger could pop up at any moment.

This constant state of high alert, or hyperarousal, makes the world seem scarier. It's like walking through life expecting something bad always to happen. Everyday things—like a phone ringing or a surprise visit—might suddenly feel like threats. And it's not just about feeling scared; this state can change how you interact with the world. Places and activities you once enjoyed might now make you anxious or fearful.

For this reason, we teamed up with The School of Emotions to promote their Emoli Cards. You can also purchase our Emotions-Based Coaching bundle, which includes a life coaching session and a one-year subscription to Calm3D, an immersive emotional regulation tool. Discover our bundled promotion here.

How Amygdala's Influences Our Perception and Engagement

How Amygdala influences our Perception and Engagement
The Amygdala's Influence on Perception and Engagement

  1. Perceptive Distortion: Trauma transforms the amygdala into a distorting lens that can twist benign surroundings into potential hazards.

  2. Daily Activities: Simple routines become challenges; the grocery store's hustle, the honk of traffic, or the solitude of jogging can trigger undue stress.

  3. Overestimating Threat: The vigilant amygdala may inaccurately amplify threat levels, turning innocuous stimuli into perceived dangers.

  4. Withdrawal and Avoidance: The overwhelming fear response can lead to withdrawal from social events and avoidance of once-enjoyable activities.

  5. Impact on Lifestyle: Hyperarousal can alter one's lifestyle, locking the beauty and vibrancy of life behind the bars of fear-induced caution.

  6. Interference with Joy: Activities that used to spark joy may now be sources of anxiety, as the amygdala warns against potential, though unlikely, threats.

How This Affects Connecting with Others

This intense alertness doesn't just change how you see the world; it can also make it harder to connect with people. If your brain is busy looking for threats, it's tough to pick up on the friendly or loving gestures of others. Interactions with friends and family can become strained because they don't see the invisible walls trauma has built around them.

The Lighthouse Metaphor

Think of the amygdala as a lighthouse. Normally, a lighthouse guides ships safely to shore, warning them of danger. But if the lighthouse was always blasting its light super bright and wide, it would overwhelm the sailors instead of helping them. That's kind of what happens in our brains after trauma. The amygdala, our mental lighthouse, gets stuck on high alert, making it seem like dangers are everywhere, which can overshadow the calmer, enjoyable parts of life.

Finding Our Way Back

Understanding the amygdala's role in trauma helps us see why we feel and react the way we do. It shows us that, although our reactions might seem out of place, they're coming from a place of trying to stay safe. The good news is, with the right kind of support and tools, we can teach our brains to dial down that high alert setting. This way, we start to see the world in a more balanced way again, finding peace and joy in moments we thought were lost to us.

Navigating Life with Inner Trust: Tuning Into Your Inner Voice

Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about something but pushed it aside, only to realize later your intuition was spot on? It's a common experience, and it underscores a simple, yet profound truth: learning to trust your inner sensations can significantly impact how you navigate life’s ups and downs.

Imagine going through your day like you're the pilot of your own life, rather than just along for the ride. That’s what happens when you start paying attention to your inner cues. It’s not about having mystical powers or being overly introspective. It’s about acknowledging those moments when something inside you says, “Yes, this feels right,” or “No, something’s off,” and listening.

This isn’t about ignoring logic or facts, but rather integrating them with these inner signals to make more informed decisions. Whether it’s choosing a job, deciding who to trust, or even figuring out what you want for dinner, tuning into your gut feelings can provide clarity amidst confusion.

Listening In
Tuning Into Your Inner Voice

But, how do you start? It’s simpler than you might think. Begin with small, inconsequential decisions - like picking a meal or deciding which movie to watch. Notice how each option makes you feel. Is there a sense of excitement? Dread? Indifference? With practice, you’ll start distinguishing between mere whims and genuine gut instincts.

As you get more attuned to your internal guidance system, you’ll find it easier to apply in bigger life decisions. This doesn't mean you'll never face challenges or make mistakes, but it does mean you'll navigate life with a greater sense of confidence and self-trust.

Embracing your inner sensations as trusted guides is like unlocking a secret level in the game of life. It adds depth, color, and confidence to your decision-making process. So, next time your gut whispers (or shouts), take a moment to listen. It might just lead you down an incredible path.


Getting to know how the amygdala works when we're dealing with tough experiences shows us how our brain reacts when we're stressed. It shows that even though our brain is trying to protect us, sometimes it goes too far and stops us from enjoying life fully. But understanding this is the first step to feeling better. With the right help, we can calm down this part of our brain. This starts us on the path to seeing the world as a safer place again, where we can find peace and happiness.


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