Simple and Effective Tool to Harness Emotions

How to manage my emotions? Embrace them instead!
We are told to keep quiet, stay calm, manage our emotions, breathe! While all these are great tips to manage emotions, we often fall back into the same patterns of suppressing our feelings, feeling a temporary calmness or reprieve from desolation, followed by self-doubt or self-blame, then negative emotions surface again.
​ is my life's mission, to harness all our emotions, welcome them, and uncover the inner wisdom that may transform your life forever.
Join me on this life changing journey.
Thoughts from my inner world

Emotional Literacy & Mood Regulation Workshop
Do you encounter uncomfortable emotions and sometimes struggle to cope or understand its purpose? I am Ignatius Quek, certified well-being strategy coach and I work with over 400 organisations and their executives to help them use emotions to bring out the best in them and to foster resilient teams.
Using specialised research-based techniques such as MEMI (Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration), NLP techniques and Emoli Cards for regulating emotions and bring about emotional literacy, my clients learn to self-regulate, integrate the whole brain and understand the needs, beliefs and values that matter to them.
Contact me for personal coaching or group-based workshops.