Here's a collection of our videos and picture reflections on social media for today. Enjoy your time to reflect and contemplate in your mood journal.
Understanding Envy Through Reflection
I wanted to share something that happened recently at my friend's office. You know how we sometimes get caught up in our emotions and lose perspective? Well, she had one of those moments, and it turned out to be quite a learning experience for her.
My friend was telling me about a recent work event where a colleague named Rachel received a lot of praise for her contributions. Rachel truly deserved it—she did an exceptional job, and everyone was celebrating her efforts. But instead of feeling genuinely happy for Rachel, my friend, Lea, felt an uncomfortable knot in her stomach.
As Rachel’s achievements were highlighted, Lea couldn’t help but focus on how her hard work seemed to be getting less attention. She felt like her contributions were being overshadowed, and the more she compared herself to Rachel, the more envy started to creep in.
Lea found herself becoming disengaged during the meeting. Her thoughts kept drifting to how her work wasn’t receiving the same level of recognition. She began to question whether her efforts were being overlooked and if she was truly valued by the team. It felt as if her achievements were being diminished just because Rachel was getting praised.
It was a tough realization for Lea because she hadn’t initially acknowledged that she was feeling envious. But once she did, it was like a light bulb went off. She understood that her feelings were more about her insecurities and fears rather than anything negative about Rachel. Her envy clouded her ability to appreciate the collective success they had all worked hard to achieve.
I had a conversation with Lea and suggested that she take a step back and reframe her thoughts. I reminded her that the project’s success was a team effort and that Rachel’s recognition didn’t take away from her contributions. I also encouraged her to have a discussion with her manager about her work and seek feedback. This way, she could continue to grow and ensure her efforts were acknowledged constructively.
It was an eye-opening experience for both of us. It highlighted how envy, while uncomfortable, can be a signal to address deeper issues about self-worth and recognition. By confronting these emotions and focusing on the positive aspects of teamwork, Lea could turn a challenging situation into an opportunity for personal growth.
I wanted to share this with you all because recognizing and understanding these feelings when they arise is crucial. Emotions like envy can teach us a lot if we approach them with honesty and self-compassion. Here are a few questions that might help us in navigating such feelings:
What underlying insecurities or fears might be driving my feelings of envy, and how can I address them constructively?
How can I reframe my perspective to focus on the collective success and value of the team, rather than comparing my contributions to others?
In what ways can I seek constructive feedback and recognition for my work, while maintaining a positive attitude towards my colleagues' achievements?
How can I use feelings of envy as an opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness, rather than letting them undermine my confidence or relationships?
What steps can I take to practice self-compassion and gratitude, to shift my focus from what I feel I lack to what I have accomplished and contributed?
By reflecting on these questions, we can turn moments of envy into valuable learning experiences and foster a more positive and supportive environment.
Final Thoughts
Understanding the story of envy helps us move towards self-acceptance. This often overlooked aspect of emotional management can be crucial in both our professional and personal lives.
Every feeling has an important story to tell, and envy is no exception. Reflecting on my friend's recent experience at work, where envy surfaced during a colleague's praise, highlighted this. It became evident that feelings like envy are not just random emotions; they serve a purpose and open doors to explore our deeper thoughts and beliefs.
To assist others in better understanding their feelings of envy better, Coach Ignatius has partnered with The School of Emotions to promote Emoli Cards for emotional literacy. Each emotion, including envy, has a story, an impulse, and a purpose.
Envy's story often revolves around comparison and perceived inadequacy. When my friend, Lea, felt envious of her colleague Rachel's recognition, it wasn’t merely about Rachel's success but about Lea's internal struggle with feeling undervalued. The impulse of envy is a reaction to this perceived imbalance or unfairness. It reflects a deeper belief that one's contributions are being overlooked or undervalued compared to others.
This is where we pause to consider our reactions. Envy can lead us to question our self-worth and the fairness of recognition we receive. It might even prompt self-blame if we feel our response to envy is disproportionate. The process then often involves calming ourselves and seeking ways to address these feelings constructively.
This is why they offer Emotions-Based Coaching. By using tools like Emoli Cards, which help uncover the story behind our envy, alongside Calm3D—a tool for immersive mood regulation—and life coaching sessions, they'll guide us through understanding what our envy is communicating. It’s about respecting the part of us that feels envious and recognizing it as a signal to address deeper issues, such as feelings of inadequacy or unmet needs.
Envy, like other emotions, can be seen as a reaction to these parts that strive to protect us or validate our worth.
By facing these emotions with honesty and self-compassion, we can transform challenging feelings like envy into valuable opportunities for growth. Gaining insight into the stories behind our emotions helps us manage them more effectively and weave them into our journey toward self-acceptance and personal development.
Reflections by Bev Cuayzon
Bev, a devoted mother at heart, finds joy in working from home. Balancing her roles as a travel consultant, self-published author, and SEO analyst, she's deeply passionate about sharing her knowledge to empower others, particularly fellow mothers. During her journey, Bev discovered the importance of mental wellness. She realized that maintaining a healthy mind is essential for navigating the demands of work, family, and personal pursuits. |